Stencil Update and Change The Project Environment (.stencil)

As you see in this changelog post Bigcommerce updated the Stencil to the v3.1 and this update splits the .stencil file into secrets.stencil.json and config.stencil.json files.

Custom page/product/category files are configuring in the config.stencil.json file.

Here is an example:

  "customLayouts": {
    "brand": {},
    "category": {},
    "page": {
      "custom-free-trial-offer-page.html": [
      "custom-bulk-order-page.html": [
    "product": {}
  "normalStoreUrl": "",
  "port": "3090"

Update your stencil package globally

npm install -g @bigcommerce/stencil-cli

and nvm

nvm install 12

Then change the default nvm to the nvm v12

nvm alias default 12.20.1

Check the list of the nvm

nvm list


And then set the default nvm to the updated one. Mine is 12.20.1

nvm alias default 12.20.1
nvm use default

These are setting up your stencil and NVM globally. You don't need to re-run this command block for every project.

🧡 Happy Hacking!